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Thunderstorm spell


A massive column of electrical energy descends from the sky onto the enemy Wizards, striking all adversaries and creating an electrified area on the ground.


Thunderstorm is a Mind spell.

Mind Affinity
Stronger thanWeaker than
Body Affinity
Soul Affinity


Wizard Rarity Affinity Type Targets Cost Value
Wahbu, the Youthful Rare Mind Attack Targets 3 Mana 8 Damage 600
Wahbu, the Youthful Epic Mind Attack Targets 3 Mana 8 Damage 650
Wahbu, the Youthful Legendary Mind Attack Targets 3 Mana 8 Damage 700

Unique Passive Skills

Thunderstorm can be improved with these Unique Passive Skills:
Wizard Description
Wahbu, the YouthfulThunderstorm now deals pure damage, ignoring damage increase or decrease from affinity.

Wizard Leveling tasks

Thunderstorm is connected to these Wizard leveling tasks:
Wizard Level Description
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